Monday, August 15, 2016

Rio-stories behind the medals

Ellis Hill is a father of Darren Hill, an athlete who is competing in shot-putter in this years Olympics in Rio 2016. He is making a living by driving an uber taxi in Pennsylvania, USA.

Due to his personal financial issues, he couldn’t afford to go to the Olympics to see his son competing.

Until one day a passenger heard his story. Ellis wouldn’t have dreamed that a stranger, who was going at the airport that day, would make his dream come true.

When she heard about the problem (during their one-hour journey) Liz Willock has decided to arrange a crowdfunding campaign so that this semi-retired taxi driver could go to the 2016 Olympic games in Rio. And she succeeded. In two days they managed to collect $7,500.

"It means the world to me. This is my first Olympic Games and I'm 22 years-old. Just being able to share this first experience with my dad means the world.” - says his son.

This is really a big deal in our family right now," said Mr Hill, who is flying out to Rio on August 15. “I feel really grateful and overcome by the knowledge that there are good people out there.”

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